The last confession of a real-life mob boss, recently retired and looking back on a life spent calling the shots in the criminal underworld.
The last confession of a real-life mob boss, recently retired and looking back on a life spent calling the shots in the criminal underworld.
I could've died a thousand times. People were out to get me, as they always are when you run the show.
It's kind of silly that it's cancer that's going to get me, but now I know the end's not going to come from a sudden bullet to the skull one night, at least I have enough time to tell my story.It's a story that would have had me locked up long ago, if anyone knew I was at the top.It all started innocently enough, with a few smash-and-grabs and some card games, but then moved into armed robbery and then eventually drugs. And that's when things changed. When the money came rolling in. When we would do anything to hold onto power.This is my last confession. A way to atone for what I've done. Let it be a lesson to you.This item is eligible for free returns within 30 days of delivery. See our returns policy for further details.