This multi-award-winning picture book is an expansive and generous Welcome to Country from a most respected Elder, Aunty Joy Murphy, beautifully given form by Indigenous artist Lisa Kennedy.
Welcome to the traditional lands of the Wurundjeri People. We are part of this land and the land is part of us. This is where we come from. Wominjeka Wurundjeri balluk yearmenn koondee bik. Welcome to Country.
Winner of Educational Publishing Awards Australia, Educational Picture or Chapter Book 2017 (Australia) Winner of Environment Award for Children’s Literature, Non-fiction 2017 (Australia) Short-listed for NSW Premier’s Literary Awards, Patricia Wrightson Prize for Children’s Literature 2017 (Australia) Short-listed for Speech Pathology Book of the Year Awards, Indigenous Children 2017 (Australia) Long-listed for CBCA Book of the Year Awards, Picture Book 2017 (Australia)
“Murphy's text is simple but not simplistic, and the book will suit parents or teachers reading aloud to young children: with both narrative and informational appeal, it will contribute well to school libraries and is perfect for stimulating classroom discussion about place, beliefs, traditions and human relationships to the environment.”
Murphy’s text is simple but not simplistic, and the book will suit parents or teachers reading aloud to young children: with both narrative and informational appeal, it will contribute well to school libraries and is perfect for stimulating classroom discussion about place, beliefs, traditions and human relationships to the environment. -- Books+Publishing Books+Publishing
The stunning illustrations are a wonderfully evocative representation of the landscape. It's a lovely book for young children, but older children will also enjoy it immensely. -- Booktopia Booktopia
This is an important book for young readers and a boon for educators who are seeking to find really strong examples of Aboriginal culture and tradition. The beauty of the imagery only serves to enhance the gravitas of Aunty Joy’s Welcome to Country message. -- Creative Kids Tales Creative Kids Tales
A beautiful tribute to elders . Highly recommended. -- Pinerolo Newsletter Pinerolo Newsletter
This is an invitation to readers to embrace a sense of their country that not only puts its long Aboriginal history first, but values what that history can offer to us today. Recommended for readers five to fifty. Reading Time
Joy Murphy Wandin AO is the Senior Aboriginal Elder of the Wurundjeri People of Melbourne and surrounds. We show respect for her and other Elders by calling them Aunty or Uncle. Aunty Joy has had numerous government appointments including as a member of the Equal Opportunity Commission of Victoria and of the Anti-Discrimination Tribunal. She is a storyteller and a writer and is passionate about using story to bring people together and as a conduit for understanding Aboriginal culture. Welcome to Country is her first book.
Lisa Kennedy is descendant of the Trawlwoolway People on the north-east coast of Tasmania. Lisa was born in Melbourne and as a child lived close to the Maribyrnong River. Here she experienced the gradual restoration of the natural river environment alongside cultural regeneration and reclamation. Through sense of place she feels connected to the Wurundjeri country and all that entails – the water, the land, the animals and the ancestors. The experience of loss and reclamation is embedded in her work. Welcome to Country was her first title with Walker Books.
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