Wombat by Christopher Cheng, Hardcover, 9781760651374 | Buy online at The Nile
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Author: Christopher Cheng   Series: Nature Storybooks

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Burrowing and basking, digging and defending; Wombat is a new Nature Storybook exploring the world of one of Australia’s most beloved creatures.

Far underground, where dirt and tree roots mesh, are tunnels that lead to a burrow, and in this burrow Wombat’s day begins.

A story about the life of a wombat, looking at the interesting way these animals build their homes, look after their family and protect themselves from predators. Wombat is a new addition to the Nature Storybooks series, which feature a lyrical narrative and engaging nonfiction combined with stunning artwork to pique the curiosity of young minds.

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Winner of Whitley Award, Children's Zoology 2021 (Australia)

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Critic Reviews

“Wombat is a new addition to the Nature Storybooks series, which feature a lyrical narrative and engaging nonfiction combined with stunning artwork to pique the curiosity of young minds.”

Without a doubt one of my fav series in a long while - the Nature Storybook series by @walkerbooksaus. Simply beautiful, and perfect for schools. Children's Books Daily
Wombat is a new addition to the Nature Storybooks series, which feature a lyrical narrative and engaging nonfiction combined with stunning artwork to pique the curiosity of young minds. Booktopia
Like the others in the series, the storyline is inviting and generous . . . All of the facts given will intrigue younger readers and these are enhanced by the stunning illustrations by Duthie. ReadPlus
Delicately detailed artwork in browns and greens expertly generates a storybook feeling of the natural world. Sharing pigment with the roots and soil, the wombat’s introduction is literally grounding. A day-in-the-life flow introduces usual activities like sleeping and territory defense with unrhymed yet poetic prose. The effect is endearing, sweet, and approachable. A clear serif type relates the narrative of the wombat’s movements. Accompanying facts about their teeth, burrows, poop, and more are presented in a spindly, italicized sans-serif type with a hand-lettered look that suggests field notes. Cheng’s careful yet playful word choices and Duthie’s expert penciled lines and brush strokes will draw in art appreciators, educators, caregivers, and the children they serve. Fabulous action words like snarls, dives, and pants lend themselves to both vocabulary building and entertaining read-alouds. One point of confusion is the backing of many illustrations with white, which may have readers imagining daytime despite mention of the wombat’s nocturnal habits. Otherwise, this volume offers a solid combination of story and information. Wombats’ deployment of their “bony bottoms” to fend off their few predators and their secret pouches for their young will tickle and warm anyone to the wombat’s ways Kirkus
A must-have for any collection that meets the needs of any children with a liking for or an interest in these unique creatures. The Bottom Shelf

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About the Author

Within the old (and new) walls of an inner-city Sydney terrace dwells Christopher Cheng. He is the author of many children’s books including his previous Nature storybook title Python (illus. Mark Jackson) which was shortlisted for the 2013 Children's Book Council of Australia Book of the Year awards. Passionate about animals, particularly those native to Australia, it's fitting that he established the Zoomobile and taught at Taronga Zoo in Sydney for many years, celebrating his background in education.
He has always loved to write (he mostly always carries his notebook and pens) but he never thought he would be a full-time children’s author.

Liz Duthie is an illustrator and visual artist based in Central Victoria. She trained in Fine Art and Special Education at La Trobe University and revels in using traditional mediums such as water colour, gouache, ink and acrylic paint ­– often all mixed together!

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Product Details

Walker Books Australia
7th April 2021


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