How's Your Computer-side Manner? is a smartly written guide for mo dern professionals seeking to improve their digital communications--to land with a splash, instead of a thud.
How's Your Computer-side Manner? is a smartly written guide for mo dern professionals seeking to improve their digital communications--to land with a splash, instead of a thud.
The way you show up in digital spaces communicates your brand—whether you intend it or not.
With the ease of digital communication at anyone’s fingertips and many professionals transitioning to work-from-home, the way an individual communicates online is more important than ever before. Keynote speaker and communication coach Dr. Ali Atkison’s latest guide for personal success, How’s Your Computer-side Manner? explains how to blend one’s “in-person” self with their digital self, in order to put their best foot forward in an ever-changing digital landscape.
Digital communication is an absolute necessity for today’s working professionals—especially for those who may never meet their colleagues in person due to the rise in remote-work opportunities. Dr. Ali Atkison believes that it’s time to end the false delineation between who someone is in-person versus who they are online. Too many proceed with mistaken assumptions about what shapes their communication style and their communication choices, and without the clarity of why we do what we do, it is difficult to make more well-informed decisions.
How’s Your Computer-side Manner? explores the 9 common mistakes today’s professionals often make in their digital communications—and the negative consequences that can result from those mistakes, from being left off of projects and out of meetings, to being placed on performance-improvement plans, to losing respect and a sense of community with colleagues. Dr. Atkison explains how these mistakes can happen and their impact, while providing easy-to-employ strategies for mitigating these mistakes and improving online communication.
Dr. Ali Atkison is a highly regarded keynote speaker and facilitator who has educated and inspired audiences of all sizes for more than two decades. With a Ph.D. in Human Communication Studies and more than 20 years in higher education, Dr. Atkison is widely considered one of the foremost authorities on how the adult brain learns. Dr. Atkison’s coaching and leadership experience has shaped her approach as she marries the complex interplay between human communication and an organization’s values and mission. Her writing has appeared in ATD Magazine, UPCEA’s Unbound, and The Chronicle of Higher Education, and she has created self-paced digital courses for Wondrium and Audible on brain-based tactics for communication and consulting, as well as conducted keynotes and workshops on brain-based communication skills for organizations such as Marsh McLennan, Pinnacol Assurance, the Denver Art Museum, Advisa Group, Denver Public Library, National Association for Graduate Admissions Professionals, the Montana University System, the Institute for Adult Learning in Singapore, and more. She currently resides outside of Indianapolis, IN.
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