Elizabeth Wynhausen tells the story of an extraordinary inspirational character and reflects on the mysterious quality that is resilience. A humorous, irreverent essay that arrives at contentment and joy.
Elizabeth Wynhausen tells the story of an extraordinary inspirational character and reflects on the mysterious quality that is resilience. A humorous, irreverent essay that arrives at contentment and joy.
Elizabeth Wynhausen tells the story of an extraordinary inspirational character and reflects on the mysterious quality that is resilience. A humorous, irreverent essay that arrives at contentment and joy.
Elisabeth Wynhausen was the author of Dirt Cheap: Life at the Wrong End of the Job Market, which was shortlisted for the New South Wales Premier's Literary Awards, Manly Girls, shortlisted for the Victorian Premier's Literary Awards, and On Resilience. She was staff writer for The Bulletin, The National Times and The Australian.
Elizabeth Wynhausen tells the story of an extraordinary inspirational character and reflects on the mysterious quality that is resilience. A humorous, irreverent essay that arrives at contentment and joy.
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