"Akuto, a normal game-loving high schooler, and his older sister Tsukasa are summoned one day to a strange otherworld called Chiyodaku. There, a laidback princess tasks them with becoming judges for her kingdom! Akuto must help his sister, who knows nothing about fantasy worlds and their logic, navigate eccentric courtroom characters as the siblings pursue the truth, no matter where it leads"--
"Akuto, a normal game-loving high schooler, and his older sister Tsukasa are summoned one day to a strange otherworld called Chiyodaku. There, a laidback princess tasks them with becoming judges for her kingdom! Akuto must help his sister, who knows nothing about fantasy worlds and their logic, navigate eccentric courtroom characters as the siblings pursue the truth, no matter where it leads"--
One fateful day in the Chiyodaku Kingdom, where Tsukasa and Akuto run the Supreme Court as judge and court assistant, a building summoned by Princess Ecstasia collapses—and there are casualties. The high priest demands the princess take responsibility while also criticizing Japanese culture and laws, and even starts denouncing Akuto and Tsukasa. Shiro, in her devotion to the princess, can’t accept the trial that threatens to impeach her, and Tsukasa orders Shiro to leave the courtroom for obstructive behavior. While everyone else is falling apart at the seams, Akuto gets suspicious about something the high priest said and starts his own investigation. That’s when he discovers the true nature of an organization that fanatically worships this world’s God—the same God Tsukasa aims to judge!
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