Modern Engineering Mathematics, 6th Edition by Glyn James, Paperback, 9781292253497 | Buy online at The Nile
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Modern Engineering Mathematics, 6th Edition

Author: Glyn James and Phil Dyke  

ISBN / EAN: 9781292253497
This textbook is prescribed for the following courses:
200237 - Math for Engineers 1 Western Sydney University
ENG1005 - Engineering Mathematics Monash University
ENG1090 - Foundation Maths Monash University
ENM2600 - Advanced Mathematics University of Southern Queensland
MAT2500 - Advanced Mathematics University of Southern Queensland
SEP291 - Engineering Modelling Deakin University
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For first-year undergraduate modules in Engineering Mathematics

Develop core understanding and mathematics skills within an engineering context.

Modern Engineering Mathematics, 6th Edition by Professors Glyn James and Phil Dyke, draws on the teaching experience and knowledge of three co-authors, Matthew Craven, John Searl and Yinghui Wei, to provide a comprehensive course textbook explaining the mathematics required for students studying first-year engineering. No matter which field of engineering they will go on to study, this text provides a grounding of core mathematical concepts illustrated with a range of engineering applications. Its other hallmark features include its clear explanations and writing style, and the inclusion of hundreds of fully worked examples and exercises which demonstrate the methods and uses of mathematics in the real world. Woven into the text throughout, the authors put concepts into an engineering context, so students can understand the relevance of mathematical techniques and gain a fuller appreciation of how to draw upon them in their studies and future careers.


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About the Author

Glyn James was most recently Emeritus Professor in Mathematics at Coventry University and was previously Dean of the School of Mathematical and Information Sciences at Coventry University. He had an active interest in mathematics education and was a past chairman of the Education Committee of the Institute of Mathematics and its Applications, and a member of the Royal Society Mathematics Education Subcommittee. In 1995 he was chairman of the Working Group that produced the report Mathematics Matters in Engineering on behalf of UK professional bodies in engineering and mathematics. He also co-edited five mathematics books and was a member of the advisory boards for three international journals. Sadly, Glyn James passed away in October 2019 during the production of this edition; his enthusiastic input was sorely missed, but this and its companion text Advanced Modern Engineering Mathematics remain a fitting legacy.

Phil Dyke is Professor of Applied Mathematics at the University of Plymouth. He was a Head of School for 22 years, 18 of these as Head of Mathematics and Statistics. He has over 45 years' teaching and research experience in Higher Education, much of this teaching engineering students not only mathematics but also marine and coastal engineering. Apart from his contributions to both Modern Engineering Mathematics and Advanced Modern Engineering Mathematics he is the author of 11 other textbooks ranging in topic from advanced calculus, Laplace transforms and Fourier series to mechanics and marine physics. He is now semi-retired, but still teaches, is involved in research, and writes.

Matthew Craven is a Lecturer in Applied Mathematics at the University of Plymouth. For fifteen years, he has taught foundation year courses, postgraduate courses and everything in between. He is also part of the author team for the 5th edition of the companion text, Advanced Modern Engineering Mathematics. He has research interests in computational simulation, real-world operational research, high performance computing and optimisation.

Yinghui Wei is an Associate Professor of Statistics at the University of Plymouth. She has taught probability and statistics modules for mathematics programmes as well as for programmes in other subject areas, including engineering, business and medicine. She has broad research interests in statistical modelling, data analysis and evidence synthesis.

John Searl was Director of the Edinburgh Centre for Mathematical Education at the University of Edinburgh before his retirement. As well as lecturing on mathematical education, he taught service courses for engineers and scientists. His most recent research concerned the development of learning environments that make for the effective learning of mathematics for 16 - 20 year olds. As an applied mathematician he worked collaboratively with (amongst others) engineers, physicists, biologists and pharmacologists, and he is keen to develop problem-solving skills of students and to provide them with opportunities to display their mathematical knowledge within a variety of practical contexts. The contexts develop the extended reasoning needed in all fields of engineering.

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Back Cover

Develop understanding and maths skills within an engineering context Modern Engineering Mathematics , 6th Edition, by Professors Glyn James and Phil Dyke, draws on the teaching experience and knowledge of three co-authors, Matthew Craven, John Searl and Yinghui Wei, to provide a comprehensive course textbook explaining the mathematics required for studying first-year engineering. No matter which field of engineering you will go on to study, this text provides a grounding of core mathematical concepts illustrated with a range of engineering applications. Its other hallmark features include its clear explanations and writing style, and the inclusion of hundreds of fully worked examples and exercises which demonstrate the methods and uses of mathematics in the real world. Woven into the text throughout, the authors put concepts into an engineering context, showing you the relevance of mathematical techniques and helping you to gain a fuller appreciation of how to apply them in your studies and future career. A leader in its field, Modern Engineering Mathematics offers: Clear explanations of the mathematics required for first-year engineering. An engineering applications section in every chapter that provides arresting ways to tackle and model problems, showing how mathematical work is carried out in the real world. 500 fully worked examples, including additional examples for this 6th Edition, reinforce the role of mathematics in the various branches of engineering. Over 1200 exercises to help you understand how concepts work and encourage learning by doing. Integration of MATLAB environment as well as MAPLE software, showing how these can be used to support your work in mathematics. New inclusion of R software within 'Data Handling and Probability Theory' chapter. Free online 'refresher units' covering maths topics that you may not have used for some time. These can be found on a companion website linked from . Glyn James , the former editor of this book, was most recently Emeritus Professor in Mathematics at Coventry University and previously Dean of the School of Mathematical and Information Sciences. He had an active interest in mathematics education and was a past chairman of the Education Committee of the Institute of Mathematics and its Applications, and a member of the Royal Society Mathematics Education Subcommittee. Phil Dyke is Professor of Applied Mathematics at the University of Plymouth and was previously a Head of School for 22 years. Apart from being co-editor on Modern Engineering Mathematics and Advanced Modern Engineering Mathematics , he is the author of 11 other textbooks ranging in topic from advanced calculus to mechanics and marine physics. He is now semi-retired, but still teaches and is involved in research. He is a Fellow of the Institute of Mathematics and its Applications. Pearson, the world's learning company.

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More on this Book

For first-year undergraduate modules in Engineering Mathematics. Develop understanding and maths skills within an engineering context Modern Engineering Mathematics , 6th Edition by Professors Glyn James and Phil Dyke, draws on the teaching experience and knowledge of three co-authors, Matthew Craven, John Searl and Yinghui Wei, to provide a comprehensive course textbook explaining the mathematics required for studying first-year engineering. No matter which field of engineering you will go on to study, this text provides a grounding of core mathematical concepts illustrated with a range of engineering applications. Its other hallmark features include its clear explanations and writing style, and the inclusion of hundreds of fully worked examples and exercises which demonstrate the methods and uses of mathematics in the real world. Woven into the text throughout, the authors put concepts into an engineering context, showing you the relevance of mathematical techniques and helping you to gain a fuller appreciation of how to apply them in your studies and future career. Also available with MyLab Math MyLab(tm) is the teaching and learning platform that empowers you to reach every student. By combining trusted author content with digital tools and a flexible platform, MyLab personalizes the learning experience and improves results for each student. MyLab Math for this textbook has over 1150 questions to assign to your students, including exercises requiring different types of mathematics applications for a variety of industry types. Learn more about MyLab Math. Note : You are purchasing a standalone product; MyLab Math does not come packaged with this content. Students, if interested in purchasing this title with MyLab Math, ask your instructor to confirm the correct package ISBN and Course ID. Instructors, contact your Pearson representative for more information. If you would like to purchase both the physical text and MyLab Math search for: 129233536X / 9781292335360 Modern Engineering Mathematics 6th Edition plus MyLab Math with eText -- Access Card Package Package consists of: 1292253495 / 9781292253497 Modern Engineering Mathematics 6th Edition 1292253525 / 9781292253527 MyLab Math with Pearson eText -- Access Card -- for Modern Engineering Mathematics 6th Edition Pearson, the world's learning company.

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Product Details

Pearson Education Limited
28th February 2020


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ISBN / EAN: 9781292253497
This textbook is prescribed for the following courses:
200237 - Math for Engineers 1 Western Sydney University
ENG1005 - Engineering Mathematics Monash University
ENG1090 - Foundation Maths Monash University
ENM2600 - Advanced Mathematics University of Southern Queensland
MAT2500 - Advanced Mathematics University of Southern Queensland
SEP291 - Engineering Modelling Deakin University
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