Nursing for Wellness in Older Adults offers a comprehensive wellness approach in caring for older adults that deals with both the physiological and the psychosocial aspects of ageing. This how-to-guide provides nursing students with learning materials to assist them with developing their knowledge, skills, behaviours and attitudes that are aligned with olde-rperson-centred care and which emphasise wellness outcomes and support healthy ageing. The second edition has 29 chapters, organised into five parts. Chapters in Parts 1 and 2 introduce topics relevant to ageing, wellness, older adults, and the role of nurses in promoting wellness in older adults. Chapters in Parts 3 and 4 are organised around the Functional Consequences Theory of Nursing Older Adults, so each facet of physiological or psycho-social function is presented according to age-related changes, risk factors, functional consequences, nursing assessment, nursing issues, wellness outcomes, nursing interventions and the evaluation of nursing care. The three chapters in Part 5 help nurses provide holistic care for older adults during illness. Features: -Learning objectives, key points and theory illustrations at the start of each chapter help identify important content. - Unfolding case studies provide real-life examples of the effects of age-related changes and risk factors, while thinking points help students to apply the chapter content to the case example. -Critical thinking exercises help students to gain insight and develop problem-solving skills. -Evidence-based practice boxes summarise guidelines for research-based care of older adults. - A student's perspective provides stories to illustrate the application of wellness concepts in clinical practice. - A nurse's perspective promotes students' understanding by providing insights into the roles of nurses who work with older adults. - Cultural considerations and diversity notes help to identify cultural differences that may influence the nurse's approach to a patient, resident or client. - Assessment and interventions boxes provide guides for assessment and and nursing interventions.
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