In the thrilling second instalment in The Soul Thief trilogy, Madeline Te Whiu returns us to a world of heartbreak, deadly power and treacherous betrayal.
In the thrilling second instalment in The Soul Thief trilogy, Madeline Te Whiu returns us to a world of heartbreak, deadly power and treacherous betrayal.
Telium's greatest mistake has cost her more than she can bear. With the revered King of Thresiel dead, the fragile balance between kingdoms is crumbling, and she may be too broken to stop it. Now, the mission she lost everything to prevent is resurging. Her traitorous lover is gone, and someone far more menacing has stepped in to take his place. Forced before an unforgiving Queen to pay for her crimes, Telium is ordered to stop the rising rebellion. With her soul bonded to another, Telium faces a world of corruption, fickle gods and well-buried secrets. She must bargain with her life to protect her people, whatever the cost.
Madeline Te Whiu is a veterinary nurse in Perth, Western Australia. She lives with her husband, dog, two cats and small flock of chickens. Her passion for books began when she was growing up in rural South Australia. Madeline studied with the Australian Writers' Centre before going on to write the first book in her Soul Thief series, The Assassin Thief.
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