Your One Wild and Precious Life by Maureen Gaffney, Paperback, 9780241988770 | Buy online at The Nile
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Your One Wild and Precious Life

An Inspiring Guide to Becoming Your Best Self in Midlife and Beyond

Author: Maureen Gaffney  

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A ground-breaking new framework for embracing middle age and beyondMiddle-age is cross-roadsy - having arrived, you're looking back in wonder about how you got here, and also looking ahead, thinking- where to next? The realisation that neither time nor choices are limitless is both daunting and exciting - this is the moment to take stock and figure out how to make the best of every precious moment of your second act.Your One Wild and Precious Life is an eye-opening account of this vital and surprisingly liberating life-stage. Crucially, it sets out how you can transform your thinking to reclaim control over your life, connect with who you truly are and face the future with joy and a sense of purpose. This is both radical and reassuring - a book to fundamentally alter your relationship with time and to help you to understand that every age can be your best age.

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Critic Reviews

“A must-read”

A profound, important work; simultaneously wise, instructive and a love letter to humanity . . . I recognised entire sections that seemed to have been written just for me . . . I don't think I've ever taken so many notes Irish Times
A book I will keep by my bedside for ever -- Deirdre O'Kane Sunday Times
Warm, wise and immensely readable . . . peppered with insights and advice about how to become your best self Irish Mail on Sunday
Solid and practical advice on how to navigate those tricky, hurdle-strewn years that lie between finishing the child-rearing and preparing oneself for dotage Sunday Independent
Irish Daily Mail
Fascinating and engaging Sunday Times
Your One Wild and Precious Life . . . will transform your thinking Irish Farmers Journal
It reframed so much for me -- Aoibhín Garrihy

The rotund nature of the work makes it feel like a foundational text, accessible to anyone who seeks to know more about themselves and something any trainee psychologist would enjoy. It astutely examines how attachments to people or patterns can speed up, stunt or spark our growth, and, most importantly, what we can do about it.

No matter where you locate yourself in this book there's an energy to the prose that makes it a fascinating read.

But if every love story is a ghost story, as David Foster Wallace says, then Gaffney's new book resurrects your original love story and the ghost that it conjures. She provides instructions on how to vanquish the past and understand connection, so a new cycle of living is possible.

This book is a powerful reminder that history does not have to dictate our future if we can, somehow, amid the chaos of life, listen now and again.

-- Orla Tinsley Irish Times
This book is a practical guide to making the most of our lives, within a revised framework, at every stage. -- Anne Cunningham The Anglo-Celt
Gaffney invariably gets to the core of things and always seems to talk to one directly. If she has a recipe for facing the next stage in life, it's going to be one worth trying -- Orna Mulcahy The Gloss
An expertly organised tour through life Irish Times

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About the Author

Dr Maureen Gaffney is a leading clinical psychologist, writer and broadcaster. She is the author of two award-winning No 1 bestselling books - Flourishing, a guide to achieving a deeper sense of well-being, meaning and purpose, and Your One Wild and Precious Life. She lives in Dublin.

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Product Details

Penguin Books Ltd
4th April 2024


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