Dahl tells the story of his adventures and misadventures as a child: his involvement in the Great Mouse Plot of 1924; his first automobile ride, in which he nearly lost his nose; his many canings by Headmasters; and his vacations at home in Wales with his big family.
Dahl tells the story of his adventures and misadventures as a child: his involvement in the Great Mouse Plot of 1924; his first automobile ride, in which he nearly lost his nose; his many canings by Headmasters; and his vacations at home in Wales with his big family.
In Boy, Roald Dahl recounts his days as a child growing up in England. From his years as a prankster at boarding school to his envious position as a chocolate tester for Cadbury's, Roald Dahl's boyhood was as full of excitement and the unexpected as are his world-famous, best-selling books. Packed with anecdotes — some funny, some painful, all interesting — this is a book that's sure to please.
Roald Dahl was born in Wales of Norwegian parents. He began to write after injury sustained as a pilot in WW2. As well as his phenomenally successful children's books, all of his highly acclaimed stories, including TALES OF THE UNEXPECTED, MY UNCLE OSWALD, and the autobiographies BOY and GOING SOLO have been bestsellers and translated all over the world. When he died in 1990, The Times described him as 'one of the most widely read and influential writers of our generation'.
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