A tale of a girl and a vegetarian giant with an odd manner of speaking, who together save the country from Fleshlumpeater, Bonecruncher, Gizzardgulper and other hideous giants.
A tale of a girl and a vegetarian giant with an odd manner of speaking, who together save the country from Fleshlumpeater, Bonecruncher, Gizzardgulper and other hideous giants.
Master storyteller Roald Dahl is by far the most popular children's writer of the late twentieth century, and The BFG (the Big Friendly Giant), recently adapted for the stage with great success, is set to become a claasic of its period (it was first published in 1982) This story of a vegetarian giant who disapproves of eating children has all the Dahl ingredients of humour, irreverence and verve that have made readers of countless youngsters. The humour is perfectly matched by Quentin Blake's irresistible drawing.
Runner-up for The BBC Big Read Top 100 2003 Short-listed for BBC Big Read Top 100 2003
The son of Norwegian parents, Roald Dahl was born in Wales in 1916 and educated at Repton. He was a fighter pilot for the RAF during World War Two, and it was while writing about his experiences during this time that he started his career as an author. His fabulously popular children's books are read by children all over the world. He died in November 1990.
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