One day, the life of middle-aged Japanese businessman Ryoma Takebayashi comes to a sudden and disappointing end, but after his death, three great gods seek out his cooperation and reincarnate him as a child in another world filled with swords and magic.
One day, the life of middle-aged Japanese businessman Ryoma Takebayashi comes to a sudden and disappointing end, but after his death, three great gods seek out his cooperation and reincarnate him as a child in another world filled with swords and magic.
Invited by the guildmaster, Ryoma attends a training meetup for new adventurers as one of the teachers. On the second day of the camping lesson at the Poison Bug Plains, he teaches unique ways of building bases and methods of telling the edible from the inedible in ways that are easy to understand, drawing everyone's attention. Then, at the request of the students, a mock battle is held between the teachers, and Ryoma demonstrates how to use a bow in combat! And as usual, there are new slimes, revolutionary discoveries, and Ryoma himself obtains unexpected skills and levels up in more ways than one!
Roy is the author of By the Grace of the Gods. Ririnra is the illustrator for By the Grace of the Gods
Invited by the guildmaster, Ryoma attends a training meetup for new adventurers as one of the teachers. On the second day of the camping lesson at the Poison Bug Plains, he teaches unique ways of building bases and methods of telling the edible from the inedible in ways that are easy to understand, drawing everyone's attention. Then, at the request of the students, a mock battle is held between the teachers, and Ryoma demonstrates how to use a bow in combat! And as usual, there are new slimes, revolutionary discoveries, and Ryoma himself obtains unexpected skills and levels up in more ways than one!
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