Clear and concise guide to MBPLE, with industrial case studies
Written in a to-the-point style, Model-Based Product Line Engineering (MBPLE) is the only theoretical and practical foundational book on MBPLE that brings together the topics of model-based systems engineering (MBSE) and feature-based product line engineering (PLE). It examines how PLE can benefit from a model-based and model-centric approach and, in turn, how MBSE combined with holistic PLE can boost model reuse and improve the MBSE business case.
The book combines both management and engineering aspects to deliver comprehensive coverage of the subject. The book covers real-life challenges and implementations of MBPLE, discussing adoption obstacles faced by engineering organizations and how to overcome them to ensure a successful MBPLE deployment.
Dozens of SysML v2 views, SysML v1 diagrams, SysML v2 code snippets and illustrations are included throughout to elucidate key concepts. Additional supplementary learning materials are available on a companion website.
Written by a team of expert authors and contributors with significant experience in the field of applied MBPLE, Model-Based Product Line Engineering (MBPLE) discusses sample topics including:
Model-Based Product Line Engineering (MBPLE) delivers vision, benefits, and strategic guidance for managers, executives, and business leaders while serving as a practical guide for system engineers who are new to the MBPLE discipline or already familiar with it.
Marco Forlingieri is Senior Director for Solutions Engineering at PTC, leading worldwide the PLE technical area, with several years of experience in PLE and MBSE domains across Asia, Europe and US. He is also chair of the INCOSE PLE International Working Group.
Tim Weilkiens is a member of the executive board of the German consulting company oose, an MBSE consultant with 20+ years of experience, and an active member of the OMG and INCOSE communities.
Hugo Guillermo Chalé-Gongora is Head of Product Lines and Multi-Disciplinary Analysis & Optimisation at Airbus with over 24 years of experience in SE, MBSE and MBPLE in different industries, and founder of the PLE International Working Group and the Automotive Working Group of INCOSE.
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