Global superstar Matt Damon returns to his most iconic role as Jason Bourne in the fifth installment of Universal Pictures' BOURNE franchise. Acclaimed director Paul Greengrass (The Bourne Legacy, The Bourne Ultimatum, Captain Phillips) also returns for this much-anticipated chapter, and Frank Marshall again produces alongside Jeffrey Weiner for Captivate Entertainment. Greengrass, Damon and Greg Goodman also produce. The action-thriller is written by Greengrass, Damon and Christopher Rouse.
Global superstar Matt Damon returns to his most iconic role as Jason Bourne in the fifth installment of Universal Pictures' BOURNE franchise. Acclaimed director Paul Greengrass (The Bourne Legacy, The Bourne Ultimatum, Captain Phillips) also returns for this much-anticipated chapter, and Frank Marshall again produces alongside Jeffrey Weiner for Captivate Entertainment. Greengrass, Damon and Greg Goodman also produce. The action-thriller is written by Greengrass, Damon and Christopher Rouse.
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