The manga adaptation of the unique historical fantasy novel, SPICE AND WOLF.
The manga adaptation of the unique historical fantasy novel, SPICE AND WOLF.
Proud of his skillful transaction in Poroson (with more than a little help from Holo), Lawrence turns his cart toward Ruvinheigen in hopes of swelling his profits. Along the way, Lawrence and Holo meet the shepherdess Norah, whom they engage to 'protect' them along the way. As it turns out, though, it isn't wolves from which Lawrence needs protection, but his own ambition. The threat of a merchant's worst nightmare awaits him in Ruvinheigen - bankruptcy!!
Isuna Hasekura's debut novel, SPICE AND WOLF, earned the Silver Prize in the 2005 Dengeki Novel Prize with the series going on to total seventeen novels and both manga and anime adaptations.
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