The adventures of a traveling mercahant and his wolf goddess companion continue in the eighth installment of this historical fantasy!
The adventures of a traveling mercahant and his wolf goddess companion continue in the eighth installment of this historical fantasy!
Hearing rumors of a 'leg bone of the wolf' being used as an artifact of the Church to showcase its power, Lawrence and Holo head to the site to gather more information. Holo can't just turn away from what might be a relic of her own kind, after all. Of course, upon arrival, the travelers find that the town is the center of a giant trade dispute! Seems that Col will be getting a lesson in microeconomics!
Isuna Hasekura's debut novel, SPICE AND WOLF, earned the Silver Prize in the 2005 Dengeki Novel Prize with the series going on to total seventeen novels and both manga and anime adaptations.
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