Inspired by one of Tom Toro's most popular New Yorker cartoons, this action-packed story full of humor and heart follows a lonely predator on the hunt...for pals.
Inspired by one of Tom Toro's most popular New Yorker cartoons, this action-packed story full of humor and heart follows a lonely predator on the hunt...for pals.
This action-packed story full of humor and heart follows a lonely predator on the hunt...for pals. Perfect for fans of Grumpy Monkey.
Croc isn't like other crocodiles. She is a reptilian ballerina! An aquatic architect! A croc 'n' roll STAR! She is creative, cool, and fun. But the other animals only notice her sharp teeth and scary eyes. It's lonely when nobody sees who you are deep down.When disaster strikes, Croc has a chance to use her super-special talents to prove what a great friend she can be-and show the savanna that you can discover something new about someone by simply looking under the surface."This delightful picture book turns the widespread phenomenon of toddler bathtime fears on its head.... The book's skillfully crafted storyline will appeal to children as well as adults working to avoid meltdowns when little ones have a head.... The refreshing, amusing approach to overcoming ablutophobia in small children."--Kirkus
"Toro's...illustrations extend the text's themes with engaging, empathetic details. The combination is sure to boost readers' confidence as they navigate their own classroom return."
--Publishers Weekly
--School Library Journal
Tom Toro is an award-winning picture book illustrator and New Yorker cartoonist. His books include How to Potty Train Your Porcupine as well as I m Terrified of Bath Time and Back to School, Backpack!, both written by Simon Rich. His weekly comic strip Home Free appears on GoComics. Tom lives in Portland, Oregon with his partner, kid, and cats. He invites you to or @tbtoro.
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