Full Metal Panic! is actively translated with new content available weekly on J-Novel Club's subscription service and apps. Readers come back week after week and then collect the books. 4,000+ member paid subscription service.Active J-Novel Club Newsletter (10,000+ members) and twitter (~3,000 followers).Innovative marketing campaigns tying up with popular anime and manga websites.
Age range 14+ A classic in Japan, this collector's edition finishes what a previous publisher left undone!
Full Metal Panic! is actively translated with new content available weekly on J-Novel Club's subscription service and apps. Readers come back week after week and then collect the books. 4,000+ member paid subscription service.Active J-Novel Club Newsletter (10,000+ members) and twitter (~3,000 followers).Innovative marketing campaigns tying up with popular anime and manga websites.
Age range 14+ A classic in Japan, this collector's edition finishes what a previous publisher left undone!
Age range 14+
Sagara Sousuke isn't your typical high school student. He reads military enthusiast magazines, he responds to questions with 'affirmative', he brings grenades to school in his bag. Though everyone at school takes him for a hopeless military geek, Chidori Kaname thinks there might be something more to him. When their plane is hijacked in the middle of a field trip, Kaname's instincts will prove correct: Sousuke is an elite, mech-piloting mercenary...and he's here to protect her!
A classic in Japan, this collector's edition finishes what a previous publisher left undone!
Shouji Gatou is a Japanese author best known for the series Full Metal Panic!. Shikidouji is a Japanese illustrator best known for the series Full Metal Panic!.
Age range 14+ Sagara Sousuke isn't your typical high school student. He reads military enthusiast magazines, he responds to questions with 'affirmative', he brings grenades to school in his bag. Though everyone at school takes him for a hopeless military geek, Chidori Kaname thinks there might be something more to him. When their plane is hijacked in the middle of a field trip, Kaname's instincts will prove correct: Sousuke is an elite, mech-piloting mercenary...and he's here to protect her! A classic in Japan, this collector's edition finishes what a previous publisher left undone!
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