As a member of a covert military operation, teen Sousuke Sagara attends high school while serving as the protector to high school student Kaname Chidori who is targeted by various organizations.
As a member of a covert military operation, teen Sousuke Sagara attends high school while serving as the protector to high school student Kaname Chidori who is targeted by various organizations.
Volumes 10-12, printed for the first time in English!
It all comes to a head here. With Mithril in ruins, Sosuke facing betrayal from all directions, and Kaname trapped in the hands of a jealous tormenter, everything is coming to a head. What will discovering the secrets of the Whispered reveal? And will that knowledge be enough to stop Leonard's plans? All bets are off in this explosive finale!
Shouji Gatou is a Japanese author best known for the series Full Metal Panic!. Shikidouji is a Japanese illustrator best known for the series Full Metal Panic!.
Volumes 10-12, printed for the first time in English! It all comes to a head here. With Mithril in ruins, Sosuke facing betrayal from all directions, and Kaname trapped in the hands of a jealous tormenter, everything is coming to a head. What will discovering the secrets of the Whispered reveal? And will that knowledge be enough to stop Leonard's plans? All bets are off in this explosive finale!
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