One day, the life of middle-aged Japanese businessman Ryoma Takebayashi comes to a sudden and disappointing end, but after his death, three great gods seek out his cooperation and reincarnate him as a child in another world filled with swords and magic.
One day, the life of middle-aged Japanese businessman Ryoma Takebayashi comes to a sudden and disappointing end, but after his death, three great gods seek out his cooperation and reincarnate him as a child in another world filled with swords and magic.
Ever since he left the forest, a boy from another world named Ryoma had been cared for by the duke's family. Rather than take advantage of their generosity, however, he's determined to live independently. Seeking to earn a stable income, he decides that alongside his adventuring job, he'll use his cleaner slimes to open a brand new laundromat! After he sets up his store by himself and hires some excellent employees, the laundromat opens to praise that far surpasses Ryoma's expectations. As business gets busier and more exciting, he also gets ahold of some new followers in the third installment of this daily life fantasy!
Roy is the author of By the Grace of the Gods. Ririnra is the illustrator for By the Grace of the Gods
Ever since he left the forest, a boy from another world named Ryoma had been cared for by the duke's family. Rather than take advantage of their generosity, however, he's determined to live independently. Seeking to earn a stable income, he decides that alongside his adventuring job, he'll use his cleaner slimes to open a brand new laundromat! After he sets up his store by himself and hires some excellent employees, the laundromat opens to praise that far surpasses Ryoma's expectations. As business gets busier and more exciting, he also gets ahold of some new followers in the third installment of this daily life fantasy!
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