Tensions flare amidst jungle warfare...
The battle in Myanmar rages on fiercer than ever before. China has deployed their helicopters and drones, while Arata's allies, the Burmese Army, turn out to be far less reliable than he'd hoped. It will take the full extent of his considerable wit to continue winning his battles and keeping his kids alive. Fortunately, by rescuing the nearby villagers from their own government's tyranny, he may have inadvertently created the perfect strategic opportunity for himself.
Yuri Shibamura is a Japanese author best known for the series Marginal Operation. Daisuke Kimura is a Japanese manga artist best known for the series Marginal Operation.
Proven appeal of subject : Military fiction is a best-selling genre around the world, and this series is no exception, with a total of 16 volumes. Genre staying power: A manga about war and redemption, Marginal Operation balances high-octane combat with scenes of connection and humor, endearing this band of misfits to the reader. The serialised storytelling also encourages returning for the next volume! Artwork : The artwork in "Marginal Operation" is in-line with the "seinen" demographic style of greater realism and finer detail than younger-oriented action series. The art style and storylines present crossover appeal with the western comics audience.
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