The final push...
Arata Ryouta, a former NEET, is now a world-famous mercenary who leads a platoon of child soldiers against the Chinese army. Despite only having 3,000 troops under his command, he's succeeded in countless campaigns against a force tenfold his own. Revered and reviled by allies and enemies respectively, Arata has one last marginal operation to complete before his story comes to a close.
Yuri Shibamura is a Japanese author best known for the series Marginal Operation. Daisuke Kimura is a Japanese manga artist best known for the series Marginal Operation.
The final push... Arata Ryouta, a former NEET, is now a world-famous mercenary who leads a platoon of child soldiers against the Chinese army. Despite only having 3,000 troops under his command, he's succeeded in countless campaigns against a force tenfold his own. Revered and reviled by allies and enemies respectively, Arata has one last marginal operation to complete before his story comes to a close.
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