Losing the Plot by Annaleise Byrd, Paperback, 9781760656409 | Buy online at The Nile
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Losing the Plot

Author: Annaleise Byrd  

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A tremendous whooshing noise started up. It sounded like a million pages being riffled at once. I caught a strong whiff of gingerbread. Then The Complete Fairytales of the Brothers Grimm flew open and a human-shaped blur came shooting out …

Basil Beedon and Terry Clegg are neighbours, and that's all they have in common. Terry loves sport and Basil loves books – but to Basil’s absolute dismay, he’s been roped into helping Terry with his reading. Every. Single. Saturday. However, that's the least of his worries when Gretel comes shooting out of The Complete Fairytales of the Brothers Grimm. The boys are plunged into a dangerous world run by the Fairytale Alliance Network of Character Yunions (FANCY), where not everyone is what they seem, Hansel has been kidnapped and a plot hole threatens to destroy everything.

Witty, clever, with adventure at every turn, this is a fractured fairytale in a very surprising, Grimm world.

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Critic Reviews

This middle-grade book is perfect for kids who prefer their comedy action-packed, their epic adventures brimming with magic, and their fantastical stories jam-packed with laughs. For ages 8+. Readings
This is a very entertaining and cleverly written story, and you might never look at a fairytale the same way again! With unique and funny acronyms throughout, it is a great read for all students in middle to upper primary. Lamont Books
There was something magical about it– the fact that it celebrated reading and friendship, and coming together despite different interests. It made for a fun, fast paced adventure in the fairy tale world. It has something for everyone who reads it, and wasn’t scary at all – it is perfect for readers seeking some adventure and a different story without being too scared or anxious, and with some clever puzzles hidden throughout that the characters have to solve. -- Ashleigh Meikle The Book Muse
Witty, clever, with adventure at every turn, this is a fractured fairytale in a very surprising Grimm world. Magpies
This is a very entertaining story revolving around fairytales and the characters in them. It gives the reader a completely different perspective on these stories. It will even appeal to some older readers and would be a great read aloud in class. Read Plus

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About the Author

Annaleise Byrd grew up on a farm in Queensland, ignoring most farm-related pursuits in favour of reading books. She then spent nine years in England and Canada, neglecting a variety of jobs in favour of reading books. Eventually, she realised the best way to get away with this was to become an author. Annaleise now lives in Brisbane with her husband, two young sons and rescue greyhound, and she is particularly fond of lamingtons. You can

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Product Details

Walker Books Australia
6th March 2024


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