The Sports Superstars series brings you the inspiring story of India's biggest cricketing superstar since the great Sachin Tendulkar, Virat Kohli. Filled with exciting facts and lots of stats, the jaunty illustrations make the sporting biography ideal for young readers.
The Sports Superstars series brings you the inspiring story of India's biggest cricketing superstar since the great Sachin Tendulkar, Virat Kohli. Filled with exciting facts and lots of stats, the jaunty illustrations make the sporting biography ideal for young readers.
Is Virat Kohli your ultimate cricketing hero? From when he was a small boy, Virat Kohli's special talent for cricket has wowed everyone around him. His dedication to his training and teammates, smart tactics and his incredible ability with the bat have placed him firmly among the ranks of the best cricketers of all time. Read the amazing story of how Virat honed his skills as a boy to become a living legend following in the footsteps of the great Sachin Tendulkar. Filled with lots of facts and stats, the inspiring narrative features fun cartoons, a simple narrative style and a cast of characters chipping in with quotes, jokes and comments.
Simon Mugford (Author)
Simon once worked at the Science Museum in London, where he flew paper aeroplanes and made giant bubbles for children. Now he writes and edits books about things like dinosaurs, ice hockey, thunderstorms and llamas. He lives in Kent with his wife and daughter, a cat and two tortoises.Dan Green (Illustrator) Dan Green has drawn silly pictures since he could hold a crayon. Then he grew up and started making books about stuff like trucks, space, people's jobs, Doctor Who and Star Wars. Dan lives in Suffolk with his wife, son, daughter and dog that takes him for very long walks.This item is eligible for free returns within 30 days of delivery. See our returns policy for further details.