Born to a noble family, Miyo is raised by her abusive stepmother and married off to heartless soldier Kiyoka, so with no home to return to, Miyo slowly starts to open her heart to her cold and pale fiancâe.
Born to a noble family, Miyo is raised by her abusive stepmother and married off to heartless soldier Kiyoka, so with no home to return to, Miyo slowly starts to open her heart to her cold and pale fiancâe.
After months of staying by Kiyoka's side, Miyo is finally invited to the Kudou family villa to meet her future in-laws. Far from receiving a warm welcome, however, she quickly discovers that her fiance's mother, Fuyu, has no intention of accepting her as his bride. But Miyo will do anything to make her engagement work, even if that means putting up with abuse from Fuyu while attempting to bridge the gap between them. Meanwhile, Kiyoka heads to a nearby village to investigate reports of a fiend that stalks the night
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