Born to a noble family, Miyo is raised by her abusive stepmother and married off to heartless soldier Kiyoka, so with no home to return to, Miyo slowly starts to open her heart to her cold and pale fiancâe.
Born to a noble family, Miyo is raised by her abusive stepmother and married off to heartless soldier Kiyoka, so with no home to return to, Miyo slowly starts to open her heart to her cold and pale fiancâe.
On the way back from Kiyoka's parents' villa, he and Miyo narrowly escape an ambush at the hands of an assailant who refers to Miyo as their "daughter." So, in an attempt to keep herself safe, Miyo accompanies Kiyoka to his workplace and meets a female soldier named Kaoruko. It is revealed that Kaoruko was previously Kiyoka's fiance candidate, which causes complex emotions to swirl in Miyo's heart. Can she look beyond their shared past? Or will the distraction leave her vulnerable to a hidden threat making its way towards her...?
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