"The arrival of mysterious invaders known only as the Pillars threatens to wipe out all of civilization. Now humanity's last hope rests in the hands of the Valkyries, young women bequeathed with supernatural aircrafts by the god Odin to send the Pillars cast back whence they came! A sky-high fantasy from the author of Re:Zero!"
"The arrival of mysterious invaders known only as the Pillars threatens to wipe out all of civilization. Now humanity's last hope rests in the hands of the Valkyries, young women bequeathed with supernatural aircrafts by the god Odin to send the Pillars cast back whence they came! A sky-high fantasy from the author of Re:Zero!"
The arrival of mysterious invaders known only as the Pillars threatens towipe out all of
civilization. Now humanity's last hope rests in thehands of the Valkyries, young women
bequeathed with supernatural aircrafts bythe god Odin to send the Pillars cast back
whence they came! A sky-highfantasy from the author of Re:Zero!
Tappei Nagatsuki is the author of the light novel series RE:Zero.
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