This season's breakout anime franchise! The magical girl life is portrayed as a glamorous one...but becoming one is a different story in this light novel series.
This season's breakout anime franchise! The magical girl life is portrayed as a glamorous one...but becoming one is a different story in this light novel series.
What makes a magical girl special?
Sakura Kagami is just an ordinary girl, and her magical-girl persona, Prism Cherry, is just as ordinary, too. After the same old tired routine of saving people with her boring magic in a peaceful town, Sakura learns that her classmate, Nami, is also a magical girl. The two of them become fast friends, but it doesn't take long before the veneer of magical-girl-hood falls apart to reveal something more sinister than they'd ever anticipated.
Marui-no is the illustrator of Magical Girl Raising Project. Asari Endou is the author of the Magical Girl Raising Project light novel series.
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