"In commemoration of the all-new anime adaptation of Natsuki Takaya's beloved manga Fruits Basket, illustrations inspired by each episode, along with commentary from the author, have been collected into a single volume. Follow along with the zodiac members' journey from start to finish as they attempt to break the curse once more!"--Cover.
"In commemoration of the all-new anime adaptation of Natsuki Takaya's beloved manga Fruits Basket, illustrations inspired by each episode, along with commentary from the author, have been collected into a single volume. Follow along with the zodiac members' journey from start to finish as they attempt to break the curse once more!"--Cover.
In commemoration of the all-new anime adaptation of Natsuki Takaya's beloved manga Fruits Basket, illustrations inspired by each episode, along with commentary from the author, have been collected into a single volume. Follow along with the zodiac members' journey from start to finish as they attempt to break the curse once more!
Natsuki Takaya burst onto the manga scene in North America with the publication of Fruits Basket which became an immediate sensation. Her other works include Twinkle Stars and Liselotte & Witch's Forest.
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