Takasora Hoshi's life is upended when a high school classmate Umi Mizuike and her mother temporarily move into her family's cramped apartment, and soon Takasora finds herself annoyed by Umi's behavior and wonders where she goes at night.
Takasora Hoshi's life is upended when a high school classmate Umi Mizuike and her mother temporarily move into her family's cramped apartment, and soon Takasora finds herself annoyed by Umi's behavior and wonders where she goes at night.
Chiki Rikunaka, the twisted kimono-wearing beauty and connoisseur of high school girls, has revealed her true identity. But is Umi reeling from this shocking revelation? Far from it her infatuation only grows! Was Takasora s first love doomed from the start? Or can it still be salvaged? Find out in the finale of this all-girls love-triangle story.
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