Based on the fabled artifact once carried by the powerful cleric whose name it now bears, this collection of 20 teeth gathered from all manner of creatures rests comportably within a leather pouch designed to serve as both container and display.
This Set includes:
- Ivory Cat Molar
- Human Molar
- Golden Goblin Bicuspid
- Halfling Canine
- Emerald Lizardfolk Fang
- Sweet-tasting Human Canine
- Rainbow-colored Donkey Molar
- Silver Mind Flayer Tooth
- Vomerine Tooth of a Large Toad
- Obsidian Human Molar
- Yellowed Vampire Fang
- Twisted Beholder Tooth
- Lapis Lazuli Oni Fang
- Broken Translucent Fang
- Jade Humanoid Bicuspid
- Green Steel Pit Fiend Fang
- Blue Dragon Fang
- Jagged Sliver of Tarrasque Tooth
- Ruby-Veined Red Dragon Fang
- Dusty Human Molar
- Leather drawstring bag
- Game rules and a d20 to make including the Teeth of Dahlver-Nar in your D&D game easy.