Måaori translation of bird names and collective nouns by Patricia Tauroa.
Måaori translation of bird names and collective nouns by Patricia Tauroa.
A beautifully illustrated book featuring New Zealand Aotearoa's native birds, each with its very own collective noun.
A whistling of whio? A loot of weka? A tussock of takahe?
This is a book for children, adults and bird-lovers alike. These collective nouns reveal something about the character of our birds, so we can get to know them better. Birds of Aotearoa New Zealand: Collective Nouns also contains information on how our birds live, so we can better help them.
Melissa Boardman is a Wellington-based illustrator with a passion for New Zealand's native birds. Melissa's illustrations are drawn from her own experiences. She frequently visits sanctuaries and offshore islands, where she spends time observing birds in their natural habitats. Melissa has a deep respect for nature, and enjoys nothing more than being surrounded by trees and birdsong.
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